Our Faith

Anthony of Padua

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1195 – 1231

Our school is named after St. Anthony of Padua. St. Anthony of Padua entered the monastery at age 15 and became an expert in sacred scripture. He later joined the Franciscan order. He was soon recognized a san inspired preacher and people came in throngs to hear him both in Italy and France.

Although he was not a healthy man, he worked at a furious pace He died when he was only 36, worn from his labors and journeys in preaching the Gospel. After his death, Anthony was canonized and was declared ‘TEACHER OF THE CHURCH.’ St. Anthony Day is June 13th.

St. Anthony of Padua
Doctor of the Church

Prayer to St. Anthony

St. Anthony, Help me find ways to honor God’s blessings by showing my love for all of God’s creatures.
Share your strength that I may cope with the trials and troubles of daily life.
You, through whose voice the Word of God was preached, intercede for my need (mention your special request here).
Powerful Patron, be with me always and teach me to reach out in love and support to others.


St. Anthony School has a number of Liturgical events that occur throughout the school year. In addition to helping students achieve academic outcomes, school celebrations instill a sense of faith community among our students, their families and staff. Some of our celebrations include:


  • Welcome to School Celebration


  • Thanksgiving


  • Catholic Education Sunday
  • All Souls Day
  • Remembrance Day


  • Advent – blessing of the Wreath


  • Lent


  • Stations of the Cross
  • Alleluia Celebration


  • Month of Mary


  • Summer Blessings

CWL and Knights of Columbus Partnerships

St. Anthony Parish has a very active and dedicated membership.  During the year you will meet various members volunteering in our school.

Daily School Prayer

Every school day at St. Anthony School begins with all students gathering in the gymnasium for morning prayer and announcements.

Prior to lunch, each class gives thanks together.

Students will end their day in prayer.


Monthly Adoration

Our school is very fortunate to be able to host Adoration in our chapel very month. Father and fellow parishioners invite students, staff and families to join them once a month for adoration. Dates are posted in the monthly STAR as well as on the website. If you wish to join the adoration committee, please contact your school administration.

Our Chapel

St. Anthony is blessed to have a quiet spiritual place within our school. Our staff begin each day with prayer and gospel reflection in our chapel. Monthly adoration, organized by parents and parishioners offer our students and staff time “alone” with Jesus. Families are encouraged to drop by any time for adoration. Throughout the school year, our chapel is home to classes for religious instruction. We are also blessed to have Father Jaya join us for mass in our chapel. Next time you are in our school, please drop by our chapel.

Religious Instruction

Religious education is a lifelong process. Its foundations are laid in the home and built on within the parish community.

Throughout life, people learn and grow as they try to make sense of their lives, searching for purpose, meaning and happiness. Our Catholic school plays an important part in this lifelong journey. Its first contribution to the students’ religious education is through the culture and climate of overall school life – the way people treat each other, the religious symbols and celebrations, school prayer, the people and activities that are especially praised and valued, and the values inherent within our school.

This religious dimension is present everywhere in our school: in the playground, the assemblies and the classrooms themselves where every subject contributes to a genuinely religious way of understanding the world. school prayer and liturgy nurture the religious dimension of school .

Within the formal curriculum, Religious Education has a prime place. Born of the Spirit catechetical is the program St. Anthony School follows.

As with other subjects, our teachers help their students to develop specific knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes.

As a Catholic school we do not stand alone. It is in an essential partnership with home and parish. It is in the home that children first encounter religious concepts. They encounter God in the loving relationships of home life, in what is said and celebrated, and in the way everyday life is experienced. Children discover a much larger ‘family’ in their local parish where they can become part of a community in which people worship, express certain beliefs and values, and try to live their lives in a particular way.

The school is part of the mission of the parish. It provides courses in a variety of subjects, designed to develop the mind, the body, the character and the spirit in a particular religious setting. And it offers a vitally important systematic program of Religious Education. All three – home, parish and school – are most likely to do their work effectively when they work in partnership.

Students or/and families wishing to receive the sacraments of reconciliations, communion or confirmation are invited to speak to their teachers. Families wishing to join RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) are encouraged to speak with their teacher or administration or contact Father Christian at St. Anthony Parish.

Retreat Programs

What is a school retreat?

A retreat is . . .
A pause from the “business” of everyday life.
An opportunity to strengthen friendships.
A time for quiet prayer and reflection in a peaceful atmosphere.
An opportunity to build and strengthen friendships and promote understanding between students and teachers.
A fun ‘time-out’ for recreation, games, songs, learning and play.

St. Anthony staff work hard each day to nurture and develop young people academically, physically, spiritually and emotionally. Students are challenged grow and learn, to care for others, to love God and to appreciate their own special talents.

In addition to the everyday teaching and learning programs, our school offers students the opportunity to participate in a retreat experience. Retreats are part of a school’s Religious Education program. They are generally held away from the distractions of the normal school environment to help students to better focus on themselves, their spirituality, their future and their relationships with each other and God. Usually lasting one day or overnight, retreats include plenty of time for fun and games, team building, communal meals, group discussion, prayer and liturgies.

A retreat is a time for recreation, reflection and reunion. Students often take part in activities such as swimming, wall climbing, zip line, nature walks, crafts, team sports and physical challenge courses to help them develop their physical, social and team building skills.

However the major focus of retreat is on spirituality, with students and teachers sharing liturgies, Eucharist celebrations, group discussions and individual reflections. The experience is overwhelmingly positive, with students and staff gaining new insights about themselves and each other.

Much of the focus on these retreats is about teaching children to respect themselves, care for others and gain a new appreciation for their friends, families, classmates and teachers. Children also learn about responsibility, trust, and explore their relationship with God.

All efforts are made by our school to keep the cost of retreats affordable. No student is excluded from the retreat experience on the basis of financial hardship. Parents are encouraged to contact the school principal, in confidence, if their current circumstances make it difficult to pay for retreat.

Grade 6 Retreat – for one school day students engage in a fun spiritual day at the local Ski Lodge. Staff and our Religious Education Coordinator plan an exciting day for our students. Parents are invited to join the class for this memorable day.

Grade 7 – Our grade seven students experience an early morning start to their retreat day which includes a day trip to Camp Warawa. Staff and our Religious Education Coordinator plan an exciting day for our students. Parents are invited to join the class for this memorable day.

Grade 8 – As the seniors in our school our grade eight students venture for an overnight retreat to Camp HeHoHa. Staff and our Religious Education Coordinator plan an exciting day for our students. Parents are invited to join the class for this memorable trip.